Top ultra-local Grønolslie walks
Here's three suggestions in case you have an extra hour or two left before or after other activity, or want a short trip one day with lesser weather.
1. Grønolshøvda / Blåhøvda / Nordre Høvda

From the cabin (left in the picture), 30m to the tiny creek, 20m up along the creek to a wider track that you follow for about 300m. At the map point 1) follow the micely marked track to Raudhorn 2). From here you might of course just enjoy the view and turn around, or proceed to either the higher Blåhøvda 3) or the almost as high Nordre Høvda 4). Blåhøvda has just as nice view, and you go back the same way.
My favourite is Nordre Høvda, with more wildlife. Tip: Approach silently to the top and over! Not many people go here, not marked.
From here you can of course turn around and go bask the same way, but going west or south-west towards the river is lovely. Challenge yourself a little in finding good lines in downhill, not so steep or hard.
You are guaranteed to find the wider track a while before the river, follow left/south back to the cabin.
2. Up along the Gipa river, to Raudhorn
Cross the river Raudøla at the road bridge 800m south of Grønolslie. You can use the cross country clearing from Grønolslie. From there, ca 500m and the road to the right through a group of cabins. Go on 700m. Then left at the fork, another 200m and you see the track.
You get a great view when up to the plateau, from here you can follow the track up to Raudhorn and do the circle back in between Gipa tjernene.
Notice that as you approach the peak of Raudhorn things might look a bit challenging, but go closer and you see that it is both easy and safe to "climb" this.

3. Along the fisherman's track
This is an opportunity to sneak upon wildlife (wetland birds and elk tend to like it here!), while you walk along a very beatiful river. If you prefer walking along roads, this is not it. You have to bend and lift your feet a bit.
From the cabin, instead of starting the track up to Grønolhøvda, follow the wider track further north, all the way to it ends in a semi-wet plain. (mark in map below)

From here, go all the way dow to the river. Head south, and in case very wet times you may have to go 20m "inland", but return all the way down to the river in 30-40m. From here follow alongside the river all ghe way back to the cabin, of better, do this exercise all the way down to the lake Øyangen.
This trip only works if you actually and literally walk alongside the river. It is easy to walk away from the riverside at places where open places are seen away from the river. But trust me, all those I know of that did not follow the river strictly, were disappoited and a often quite stuck in dense vegetation.
If it looks like you can't pass along the riverside, trust me, just press yhourself closer and you are back at the fisherman's track!